Content marketing budget is constantly increasing, and it is expected to rise by 66% more in 2022.

  • Look to create exceptional content experiences with the integration of audio, video, text, AR/VR, gamification, and other interactive elements.
  • Focus on displaying empathy and building trust in every piece of content you create. What does it take to win their business?
  • Topics, keyword, and competitive research to inform content that better meets each searcher’s intent.
  • Analyze the SERPs where you want to appear and optimize content for the search result types that will get you there.
  • Review and refresh your older content, optimizing for new ranking opportunities and types.
  • Invest in the tools and talent you’ll need to branch out into new content types.
  • If you aren’t sure which content formats or platforms are resonating with your audience, ask them! If you’re only looking at your own analytics data, you only know what already works and will never realize these untapped opportunities.